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Goat Medicine, 3rd Edition

220,00€ 192,98€

Goat Medicine, 3rd Edition

Mary C. Smith, David M. Sherman

Goat Medicine, Third Edition is a complete resource for understanding caprine diseases worldwide. Covering the latest advances on diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, the two authors, board certified veterinarians with a global experience in goat health and production, offer a comprehensive examination of all important diseases encountered in the goat. The book offers authoritative and clinically relevant information on recognizing, diagnosing, treating, controlling and preventing goat disease at the individual, herd, and national levels.

To aid in reader comprehension and promote seamless assimilation of the knowledge contained within, the book is logically organized by body system and includes full color images throughout. Sample topics covered within the work include:

  • Control of economically important infectious diseases including caprine arthritis encephalitis, paratuberculosis and peste des petits ruminants, as well as internal and external parasites
  • Differential diagnosis of chronic weight loss and sudden death, anesthesia, and dehorning/descenting
  • Nutrition and metabolic diseases, herd health management, and preventive medicine
  • Formulary of drugs used in goats and suggested dosages, plus options for alternative medicine
Availability: In stock
Delivery time: 1-4 weekdays

220,00€ 192,98€

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Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell (October 2022)
Hardcover: 976 pages
ISBN: 9781119382737
Language: English
Weight: 2,6kg