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King's Applied Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis of Domestic Mammals

97,00€ 85,09€

85,00€ 74,56€

Geoff Skerritt

King’s Applied Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis of the Domestic Mammals delivers a thorough and accessible exploration of the abdominal and pelvic anatomy of domestic animals in a clinically relevant style.

Designed as a refresher for veterinary students beginning to engage in clinical procedures, the book uses clinical illustration to teach the essential principles of how the abdomen and pelvis of domestic mammals are constructed.

It covers core topics such as:

  • Thorough introductions to the body wall, the mesenteries and ligaments of the abdomen and pelvis, and the gastrointestinal tract
  • Explorations of the liver and the pancreas, the spleen and abdominal lymphatics, and the biology of digestion
  • Practical discussions of the autonomic and somatic nerves of the abdomen and pelvis and the male and female reproductive organs
  • Treatments of laparotomy and diagnostic imaging of the abdomen and pelvis
Saatavuus: Varastossa
Toimitusaika: 1-4 arkipäivää

97,00€ 85,09€

85,00€ 74,56€

Kun tilaat uutiskirjeemme ( tai päivität tietosi (linkki uutiskirjeen lopussa), saat sähköpostiisi noin tunnin kuluessa koodin, joka oikeuttaa 5 € alennukseen verkkokaupassa.

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell (May 2022)
Paperback: 176 pages
ISBN: 9781119574576
Language: English
Weight: 356g