Valittu määrä ylitti varastosaldon


Ostoskori on tyhjä

139,00€ 121,93€

97,00€ 85,09€

Erika T. Machtinger, Emma N.I. Weeks, Christopher J. Geden, Erica Lacher

Many pests and parasites affect horses, mules, and donkeys. The pests range from flies to ticks, to parasitic worms. This book covers the major pests of horses in the United States and Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, along with the veterinary conditions and recommended care associated with these pests. Detailed photographs help to identify species and perform management tasks.

The book shows practical, science-based control methods, and includes a glossary for reference, as well as a brief introduction to basic entomology. It includes a sample integrated pest management plan that readers can personalize for pest control.

Saatavuus: Varastossa
Toimitusaika: 1-4 arkipäivää

139,00€ 121,93€

97,00€ 85,09€

Kun tilaat uutiskirjeemme ( tai päivität tietosi (linkki uutiskirjeen lopussa), saat sähköpostiisi noin tunnin kuluessa koodin, joka oikeuttaa 5 € alennukseen verkkokaupassa.

Publisher: Wageningen Academic Publishers (2022)
Paperback: 396 pages
ISBN: 9789086863716
Language: English
Weight: 768 g