Stephen Niño Cita, Tasha McNerney, Darci Palmer Pain management is an essential aspect of medical care, but in the field of veterinary medicine it poses unique challenges. Learning to recognize animal pain, to advocate for patient care, and to build and implement pain management protocols allows veterinary nursing teams to be more effective and vastly improves patient outcomes. Mastering this aspect of veterinary medicine means developing an understanding of pain physiology and pharmacology of pain management drugs, the necessity of various analgesics in different care environments, and how to tackle obstacles to animal pain care. Pain Management for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses, 2nd edition provides a robust update to the only textbook on this subject directed at veterinary technicians in the US. Already a standard text for its coverage of small companion animals, this book now also covers analgesic techniques in horses, lab animals, and zoo species, making it a valuable resource for technicians in a range of professional and clinical situations. Updated to incorporate the latest evidence-based medicine, it promises to continue as the essential introduction to this oft-overlooked but critical dimension of veterinary medicine. Read more Pain Management for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses readers will also find: Multiple expanded chapters as well as a new chapter covering pain management for c-sections and neonatal care A new emphasis on critical thinking and a holistic approach to patient care Coverage of complementary and alternative therapies Expanded illustrations of regional analgesia techniques